Google AdSense for Moodle - -oldpost-

moodleI create a block plugin to show Google AdSense in the Moodle E-learning System.
Language : italian and English
Moodle : 1.5 ,1.6, 1.7, 1.8 . (tested)
Download Google AdSense for Moodle for free. [mirror]

You can setup id-publisher, width, height, format, color ecc. in the config.
For info, problem and tips leave comment.


  1. Download it, unzip and put google_adsense directory in blocks directory of your Moodle Installation
  2. login like admin and click on ‘Notifications’ for auto setup
  3. Turn “editing on” to add adsense google in your pages
  4. Go to “blocks” click on the “Add…” and select the google adsense. Then click on the “config” icon


50 pensieri su “Google AdSense for Moodle - -oldpost-

  1. I’m not sure the problem is with your module. I have added adsense code without using your module and the bahaviour is the same. Also, only Firefox seems to be affected; IE works fine.

    Regards, Ralf

  2. @Fabio: It isn’t a problem of my scripts. It isn’t an error, but a warning. You can solve it, editing php.ini (if u are in housing) else (in hosting) add this line in yuour .htaccess file (“php_flag register_globals off”).

  3. Hi Gennaro!
    I’ve a problem installing your code:
    I put everything on the right dir, I clicked on notification but nothing happen. I have a warning which says:

    “Security Warning: to operate properly, Moodle requires
    that you make certain changes to your current PHP settings.

    You must set register_globals=off.

    This setting is controlled by editing your php.ini, Apache/IIS
    configuration or .htaccess file.”

    But I’m not sure it was generated by the execution of your script.

    Some suggestion?

    All the best!

  4. also in the google code , thier is a field called : google_ad_slot

    this field is not used in your script, can you explain this point, what is the use of this field?


  5. Hi Gennaro Varriale

    thanks a lot for 2 fast replay – withen 30 minutes
    about the channel number, how i can get this number, is this the ID number that appear beside channel name in the channels tab

    thanks in advance

  6. @pop:Hi, you can leave channel empty ( you can fetch this value from your google account if you want statistics for “channels of banner” )
    Yes, it’s approved from google because respect T.O.C. ( the script generate the google code)

  7. hi, thank you for this nise tools, however, i have some questions
    what should i add in the channel field?
    is it approved from google, or cause any problem with google?


  8. Sounds great!

    I’m downloading and testing, and will post my thoughts and experience here later. Anyway, even before installing, this plugin was a great idea.

  9. Hello, I have installed the adsense block. Looks/works great. I have the google account and added my id code and added competitors url to block, however, i still see competitor’s ads on my site. Any suggestions?

  10. Hi, tahoar
    i’m testing this morning links and is ok!
    You click on Download button at bottom of the page, under the banner image?
    However, if you have problem, send me message from contact form and i send you by email

  11. Thanks for a great google adsense block. I am wondering how can I make the google ads to be closer to the content on my pages. Can you influence the ads on each Moodle page?

    Many Thanks,

  12. Hi Kevin, i have no tested for 1.8.
    Now i have no time to check problem.
    As soon as possible i upgrading my module.
    Send me your email in contact form, and i advise you when i’ll do it.

  13. I am trying to install your fine module on Moodle 1.8+. I copy your directory to t/moodle/blocks/ but then nothing happens. I find nothing in my logs either. All looks good , just no module. I even tried putting the site into maintenance mode. Any suggestions? Thanks for any help in advance.


  14. Ti ho risposto via email.
    Comunque è un plugin per Moodle che permette di inserire il codice AdSense di google, inserendo solo i parametri necessari ( ampiezza, altezza, formato, colore).
    L’ho creato perchè non esisteva ancora in Moodle e per risolvere un problema che hanno i blocchi html a gestire codice javascript (nel caso si voglia modificare un codice già inserito).

  15. Ciao. mi sono imbattuto per caso sul tuo sito e ho letto di questo Plugin, ma…non ho capito bene a cosa serve…
    Puoi spiegarmelo?
    Ti ringrazio :-)

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